Hola chicas and maybe some chicos(?)! My mind needs a clearing, some of this could be put into the Awesome part of Thursday but too funny not to share with y'all.
* Overheard from the kitchen:
The A: (burp) oh sorry George (said really quietly)
God George that's disgusting!
You can't fool me A!
* Overheard last night:
The A (sleep talking): Karate Kid chicken tee hehehe!
Then he fell asleep again.
* Why should the Australian tax payers hand over the money to help these guys out? They are adults, who knew what they were doing and decided to climb aboard another boat. Suck it up and deal with the consequences! They want the Japanese to deal with the consequences of whaling (ie having the Steve Irwin and Sea Shepherd always nearby) but aren't willing to take what comes their way when they do something illegal. Pah!
* I never like the fact that I have dishes to do, but once I get started it's actually a little bit fun. (I'm strange)
* We have yet to go to the beach near us. First time that this has happened in a summer. Usually we are dying to get in the water.
* i-cords are a lot of fun to knit
* I wish there was a Costco in Perth. Then we could buy things in bulk and not run out halfway through the week.
* I made frozen yougurt! In shot glasses :p