Just a random picture from France, nothing interesting from this week I'm afraid
* Running into The A's ex. Literally so: The A was running, I was cycling in front of him and she was running. I was too far ahead but he got stopped and had a quick chat so I guess it's not really my awkward, it's his. Anyway she is living in the same town as us now but I don't think we will see her again. To quote The A 'Your ex is an ex for a reason'
* My first driving lesson is today. So this is a potential awkward.
* Getting my eyes tested on the morning that I aced my eyeliner. My eyes were STREAMING. Though the optician did try and make me comfortable. Apparently he makes all the girls cry (har har)
* Attempting to make my nails look okay when they are long. It's my New Years quest to be more 'adult' like. I keep filing them like a deranged secretary from the 60's as I think the shape is all wrong (rectangle, when I really would like rounded rectangle)
* I fit in some shorts from when I was 19 that I brought back with me!
* My first driving lesson is today. So this is (hopefully) a potential awesome.
* Looking through fashion magazines with The A at the end of the day in bed. His comments are very funny and he noticed that the magazines are a bit late with the mustard yellow trend, cause apparently I have been going on about it for about a year now.
how awkward re the ex!!!