
Monday, 20 April 2009

The easy way to blog

Someone on Ravelry kindly gave out some great blogging information that is proving to be fantastic! It’s called Windows Live Writer, and it’s free. You go here and download it for free, it doesn’t take up much room or download quota. It links up to your blog so that you can write from your desktop, save it, or publish it. It records all the setting from your blog so there’s no need for formatting. You can also link multiple blogs so that you only have to go to one place to write your posts.

I’m just happy that I won’t have to spend ages afterwards fiddling with edits to make my posts look normal. Let me know if you end up using it!

1 comment:

  1. I decided to give Windows Live Writer a try, since I've heard so many good things about it. So far I've been completely happy with Blogger text editor (I've used it for years without any problems), but maybe Live Writer will give me something extra :)
