- a cold sore that isn't a cold sore. Just my body being awkward.
- singing along with my music in the bus (well at least I'm not sharing bad rap music on speakers *coughstupidteenagerscough*)
- explaining to the bank teller lady why I need to pay the Australian Federal Police money. No I am not a criminal!
- realising that I was looking at the wrong side of my tape measure. Black is inches, RED is cm! IDIOT!
- having dishes to do

- The A came back on Tuesday night, and even though he had to go to a meeting in Brigadoon (no Gene Kelly in this one) at 7:30am on Wednesday morning. He's still here and that is just fine by me!
- making tomato, apple and chilli chutney. Chilies thanks to our chilli bush/tree (?)
- sorting through yarn and fabric stash. I have a lot of yellow fabric...
- watching the video for the new iOS5 for iPhone, iPad etc can't wait.

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