
Saturday, 17 April 2010

The Wedding – unofficial

Some photos taken by guests for you all:

ross & caroline wedding 015ross & caroline wedding 018ross & caroline wedding 051ross & caroline wedding 046ross & caroline wedding 035 I’m sure there are more to come!

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Update in Pictures: The wedding - Clothes


The A’s Suit: Myer; The A’s Shoes: David Jones

The dress:

And yes, since I last wrote on the blog we have moved to a bigger better place! Loved losing the crappy grey carpet and gaining some nice wooden floor boards.

Update in Pictures: The wedding - Invitations

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Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Update in Pictures: Tasmania 2 (food and wine)

P1050633 P1050306 P1050326 P1050327 P1050372 P1050380 P1050382 P1050383 P1050512 P1050531 P1050602

No explanation necessary.

Update in Pictures: Tasmania 1

P1050310 P1050340  P1050349  P1050347P1050375 P1050392 P1050431 P1050511  P1050588 P1050537P1050639 P1050673 P1050688 P1050693 P1050702P1050728


1. Hobart 2. Bumblebee (we don’t have them here) 3. The Spindle Tree 4. Hehehe 5. Giant bouncy at our campsite in Hobart 6. Ohhh Geology! 7. Port Arthur 8. Our home for 2 weeks, we called her Martha (The A) 9. The view from Martha one night 10. Priscilla the Beer drinking pig 11. Kookaburra 12. Wallaby 13.  Convict made bricks at the restaurant we went to on Christmas day 14. 1kg of cherries 15. Cradle Mountain 16. A tired Tassie Devil 17. Taste Festival in Hobart